Register now

To get the most out of this website we recommend that you register.

If you don't register or log in, you can still access lots of information about innovation in the East Midlands such as news, events and other content published on the portal. But to use some of the online tools and access more detailed information you will be asked to register, which is completely free.

There are two levels of registration available to you:

To sign up for the East Midlands Innovation newsletter, which will give you a monthly round up of all the innovative activity going on in the region, you simply need to provide us with your email address.

To access online tools such as the innovation finance search, expert search and research specialisms search you will need to provide some additional information about yourself and your organisation. This information will only be used emda to help support innovation in the region and will not be passed on to any third parties.

Please submit your e-mail address to begin the registration process.

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5 reasons to register:

  1. Access expert advice from the region’s universities

  2. Use our free innovation searches:

    • Funding
    • Support
    • Resources
    • Research specialisms
  3. Receive our weekly newsletter

  4. Get tailored information alerts

  5. Pose questions to the regional innovation community using the iExchange